
Beth Shapeero (b.1985) and Fraser Taylor (b. 1960) have been 
painting, drawing and printmaking together since 2018 as part of their collaborative project Two-Step.  Both living and working in Glasgow, they were drawn to one another’s work after noticing a distinctly shared aesthetic and process.  Since meeting they have produced 100’s of monotypes and drawings as well as several ambitious installations. The collaboration has become an important part of their creative practices and continues to grow.

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In 2019 they held their inaugural exhibition at Govan Project Space (Glasgow). In 2020 they exhibited at Stallan Brand (Glasgow), 19 Woodside Terrace with From the Studio (Glasgow), they also took part in a residency at Scottish Opera (Glasgow) and created a semi-permanent installation for The Loading Bay Skatepark (Glasgow). In 2021 they showed work at The Briggait (Glasgow) and developed gigantic installations for Beacon Arts Centre (Greenock) and The Hidden Door Festival (Edinburgh). In 2022 they had exhibitions at The Royal Scottish Academy (Edinburgh) and Kelvingrove Gallery (Edinburgh).  This year they had a major solo show at Glasgow Print Studio and have upcoming exhibitions and project at The Briggait (Glasgow), Edinburgh Printmakers (Edinburgh) and Platform (Glasgow).

Beth is an emerging artist from Nottingham who has lived and worked in Glasgow since 2011. Beth graduated her BA in Fine Art (Hons) at Nottingham Trent University in 2008 before relocating to Glasgow for the M.Litt in Fine Art Practice in 2011. Beth has exhibited widely across Scotland and the UK and is recognised for her energetic practice which blends playful painting and social engagement.  

Fraser, originally from Glasgow, is an established artist and has spent a significant part of his career working in Chicago where he was a faculty member at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Fraser has exhibited work at major institutions internationally and co-founded The Cloth; a celebrated textile collective in the 1980s., Fraser graduated from GSA in 1981 with a BA in Printed Textiles and an MA 
in 1983 from the RCA in London. He returned to live and work in Glasgow in 2017 
and established his textile brand Haxton in 2020.